Gift of Vision was founded on the principle of providing better vision to all people, at an affordable price, while enhancing the individuality of every person. There are millions of people in the world that are completely blind, but this blindness is correctible with a simple cataract surgery. This surgery costs thousands of dollars in the United States and Europe, but in India the cost is only $30. India has 10 million blind people with a correctible condition.
We can help. We have partnered with the Sankara Eye Foundation to donate the $30 they need to make blind people see again. Think about it - one blind person affects their entire family and community because they cannot work, cannot provide food, and must be supported.
You can help. If you make a purchase of $200 or more, and use the code - GIFTofVISION - at the checkout, we will make the donation and you will cause a blind person to see.
Thank you for caring.
Mark Agnew
Founding CEO and Owner