Imagine this: You wake up in the morning and can't find your glasses
But you still have to make breakfast, drive kids to school, go to work. The world is blurry. You can't read the road signs. You squint to read the computer. You can't read labels in the store. This is how 2.7 billion people live their lives, every day. Many cannot get jobs or keep their jobs without glasses. They cannot earn to support thier families, cannot learn, and cannot progress.
This is a fixable problem.
A pair of glasses leads to a 35% increase in productivity and a 20% increase in wages. For someone earning $2 per day, that is an additional $140 of income per year. With a pair of glasses, people can carry out their daily tasks, work and lead productive lives again.
When people are able to see clearly, they are also able to read and learn. Children whose vision is corrected can advance up to half a year in school. Adults can successfully participate in continuing education and workforce training.
The lack of access to glasses results in an annual lose of $202 billion to the global economy. By providing glasses, you create opportunities for work and economic growth, thus improving the global economy.
Our Partners
RestoringVision has solved this problem for 17 million people so far. Working in over 130 countries, Restoring Vision continues to distribute nearly 2 million pairs a year.
Sankara Eye Foundation makes blind people see again. In India, 8 million people are preventabley blind, due to cataracts. Sankara Eye Foundation provides a $30 surgery to restore vision, through its network of 11 hospitals. Since its founding in 1998, Sankara has healed over 2 million blind people, and its mission continues.