The Eyeglasses Buying Guide
How to Buy Eyeglasses and Sunglasses –
Pay Less and Get More
Buying tips and trade secrets from Mark Agnew, founder of
Before you buy another pair of glasses…
Felt you overpaid for your last pair of eyeglasses? Ordered online and ended up with ill-fitting eyewear? Wondered if you were oversold at the optical store? Want to know if progressive lenses are right for you?
This buying guide will help you save money, avoid problems, and get the most out of your eyewear—whether you buy at the optical shop, a discount outlet, or online.
The Eyeglasses Buying Guide will tell you…
How to choose the most flattering eyeglasses frames for your face
15 tips to save $100 and more on eyewear—no matter where you buy glasses
11 secrets the opticians don't want you to know
10 reasons not to buy cheap glasses (and when you can)
How to buy glasses online with confidence
A little-known hack to get the most out of your vision insurance ...and much more about frames, lenses, sunglasses, reading glasses, and your annual eye exam
Why This Book Has No Endorsements
Since leaving Wall Street to found, I have been the bad guy. Since 1999, I have been an outsider in the tightly knit eyewear industry where suppliers, eye doctors, and retailers work closely together to keep prices high and consumers ignorant. For almost twenty years I have been working to educate consumers, increase their choices, and reduce their costs in eyewear. It is truly amazing that, today, this book is the first consumer buying guide written to educate consumers about how to buy eyewear.
Yet I persist—providing valuable information in this book and on my company's website at—and offer massive choice where choice is limited and sell at reasonable prices. This book will save you time, money, and hassles in your next purchase of eyeglasses—and for me, that is success in itself.
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Why you need the Eyeglasses Buying Guide
Optical dispensaries, your optician, and optometrists everywhere love to hate the internet and all internet stores. They believe that the internet is destroying their business (it isn't), and the online stores are taking business away (they aren't). The fact that consumers purchase eyewear only once every two years shows what a poor job optical stores are doing about selling their product and services.
Buying eyeglasses has become difficult, expensive, and unpleasant—not nearly as enjoyable as buying shoes. And consider this: Even though eyewear is more visible than any other piece of clothing, most people have only one pair of glasses.
Here's my suggestion to the industry: If you lower your prices, you will sell more glasses to more people, be successful doing so, and improve people's lives. Alas, old habits die hard, and these professionals would no sooner endorse this book and the information I am about to tell you than stick a needle in their eye.